School & Work Project: a Good Experience

Even this year, Demont has welcomed seven students coming from Istituto Superiore Federico Patetta of Cairo Montenotte (SV) for the “school & work project” for a period of three weeks.

The students enrolled in the Technological Technological course – mechanics, mechatronics and energy had the opportunity to support the staff performing the pipe cutting (cutting cards, machine operation), the management of the materials and the piping and senior welder.

The electrotechnical and electronics student was supported by a tutor at our electro-instrumental engineering department, dealing with the updating of the electrical project documents, the preparation of the final “Book” indexes of instrumentation and checks on engineering documents such as cable lists, wiring diagrams, instrument lists.

The same opportunity was given to the student enrolled in the course specializing in mechanics, mechatronics and energy, who dealt with isometric “as built” processing, preparation of final plant design book indexes and controls on engineering documents such as MTO piping and line lists.

For the Accounting course with IT address, the student assigned to the administrative department was assisted by a tutor to approach the accounting records, with particular reference to the passive cycle, the use of the electronic invoicing system and the issuance / registration of accounting documents.

All students were thus able to “taste” an experience of full immersion in the operational activities of the offices and company departments, making full use of this training opportunity.


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