Vado Ligure Team

Site Manager in the Refinery of Vado Ligure (SV)

Gianni, how long have you been working for Demont?

I started in 1986 I started in 1986 as a mechanical helper during a shutdown and from then on, with determination and dynamism, I worked in all the tasks related to mechanical specializations: from accountant to foreman and then site manager, passing through different construction sites, arriving today at this important site which is the Refinery of Vado Ligure..

What does your team do?

The activities included in our contract have evolved from mechanical only to multiskill works (civil, electrical, scaffolding and insulation).
We know our job: we have led the client to understand that it is not only a matter of simple execution, but also of an attitude aimed at pursuing common goals.

In your experience, what is the secret to make a team work well together?

My team is a good team. The group is simple: there are jokes, respect, greetings. I am friendly and expect seriousness, not reverence.
If the job is done in an aseptic way, the work environment becomes watertight and synergies get lacking.
Knowing how to do the job is one thing, knowing how to do it as a team is another.
By trusting the others we can create a relationship in which we work together to achieve the same results.
It’s essential to mix young people, serious and willing to do with more experienced seniors, so that they can learn from us and avoid hitting their heads where we have already stumbled.
Our work requires experience, and this experience is gained after much effort.

In your opinion, which are the values of your company?

The company has given me my independence, my spaces, deeming me worthy and trusting me: I perceive this as an important value.
The experience with Demont is unique and this is confirmed by the fact that I have never changed and I have no regrets.
I was convinced at one time and am still convinced today.

In your opinion, which advantages can the client derive from teamwork?

Our activity here is really multiskill, with a stable contract lasting for 20 years.
The Client has a production developing on four shifts and we not only carry out construction and installation works but also maintenance works to the components that have created problems due to the wear.
We must be able to do what is required according to rules, procedures and deadlines.
The real difference is made by people, a balance is needed: people who know how to listen, respond, take a stand when needed.

Gianni, which is the peculiarity of your team?

People have to believe in what they do.