On Monday, July 10th, in the setting of Anfiteatro Palazzo di Città in Cairo Montenotte, the diploma award ceremony took place for the boys and girls who have completed their studies at the “Federico Patetta” Higher Education Institute for the academic year 2022- 2023.
Due to the close collaboration with the institute, Demont has been invited to participate in the diploma award ceremony along with the Valbormida authorities.
In the last two school years, Demont has launched a total of 40 “Paths for Soft Skills and Orientation” (PCTO) of which 28 in collaboration with the Patetta Institute. These are theoretical-practical training internships, carried out in the company by boys and girls during their studies.
Among these important initiatives designed to bring students closer to the productive realities of the area, we mention “La Scuola in Azienda” which saw the students of the Patetta Institute protagonists in Demont for an entire day with a visit to the engineering offices and the Millesimo workshop .